3 Ways to Make a Good First Impression

Most people would agree that making a first impression can have a lasting effect, and that a good first impression makes you more memorable.
To ensure that everyone notices you in a positive light, take a look at these three ways that can help you make a great first impression:
Be Approachable
Everyone likes being around the warm, easy-to-get-along-with person in the room. Introducing yourself with a firm handshake and a warm smile can help people get to know you, and make you seem easier to talk to.
Dress the Part
Not only does dressing in comfortable and smart clothing make you feel confident, but it also sends the signal that you are serious about your appearance and care about how others will see you.
Act Confident
Everyone loves confidence. You might be terrified on the inside, but if you make it look like you know what you are doing, then everyone will believe in you.
It’s easier to talk to people who appear to believe in themselves, so giving off an impression of self-confidence is key.
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